Monthly Archives: May 2011

01 May 2011 Update

Well, I really must get on top of updating and giving myself more time in this space. I have decided to make a concious effort to try to update on a regular basis and hopefully I will get back on track soon.

Today was an early start, I tend to wake up really early now and find myself keen to check out facebook, sometimes Twitter and I am currently back in the self-development phase to get back on track and I would say I am on a rollercoaster of different ideas, thoughts and emotions.

Firstly a big thank you to all my wonderful friends who introduce me to new areas to explore, especially my good friend Lucy who keeps me on track and has introduced me quite recently to a really powerful expression in feeling technique which does the most amazing things!

I find myself at present keen to cook with fresh produce and to develop recipes with a slight twist. Soup is very high on my list, especially with the Winter weather setting in here in the beautiful cooler parts of Australia. I feel extremely positive today, I have lots of plans to tick off some of my action items and to finish my newest vision board.
It’s going to be a fresh homemade vegetable soup today, I asked my husband earlier to select something he would like and with almost all ingredients in the cupboard, I think just a short trip to get an odd one or two bits and pieces will be required to the local shop and also some freshly cut herbs from the garden.

This morning has also inspired me with some interesting youtube clips and an introduction to what they call “Subliminal Video….” I am always keen to try anything that interests me at least once before I can really decide to explore further or put aside. The following link is what I intend to trial for say a month or so and then l will make a decision if it’s making any sort of difference.

My other good friend Sandra has really opened up my spiritual nature again, I am so thankful for my beliefs, for the readings I have been directed to and for the messages of importance in my life. Each to their own, for me I have now found the balance in my life I was seeking, I have found the learning material in some wonderful books including the New Testament.

It’s time to make today special, so i am signing off for now and will re-visit my blog again very soon with more updates.

Have a great time today, tomorrow and in your dreams! 🙂 Julie x